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"Focaccia Tostata" - our homage to tradition

In the gentle hills of Liguria, there exists a symphony of simplicity and flavor: the Ligurian Focaccia.

The word “focaccia” traces its lineage to the Latin “focus,” signifying cooking by a hearth or fireplace. Imagine ancient Ligurian kitchens: their stone ovens crackling, dough rising near the flames. The earliest focaccia, like a rustic canvas, was prepared just with flour, water, and salt. It was sustenance, yes, but also a focal point for families—a communal bread shared over stories and laughter.

The Focaccia Tostata takes inspiration from the classic soft Ligurian/Genoese focaccia. I Pani then cust into slices and toasted it in the oven for the perfect crunchyness

Our "Focaccia Tostata"

Our toasted version of focaccia is a genuine product, with a fine cut, crumbly texture. Just a very few simple ingredients, olive oil and natural yeast. A tasty "pantry" bread substitute ideal to satisfy our "peckish" on the go.

Our staple flavour is the deliciously classic EVOO version. Alongside it we have recently developed 2 new more "snacky" variants: "rich tomato" (tomato, herbs and spices), and sweet caramelised onions. 

Serving suggestions

Perfect aperitif or starter accompaniment to cold cuts, cheeses, smoked fish, vegetables and sauces. Ideal snack option for a picnic or a trip out of town as it keeps well at room temperature. For the most immaginative, it becomes a delicious breakfast topped with creams and jams. Taste it also as per the Genoese tradition, dipped in hot cappuccino.


Picture a Sunday morning, with the sun coming out of the sea and preparing for a new day to start. The family gathered around a table for breakfast, Focaccia Tostata at the centre of the table. Dip it in hot cappuccino or spread it with sweet or salty topping, get ready for the upcoming relaxing day.

The "Focaccia Tostata"

Product description:
Long and thin slice of bread
MM: 65-85 L*15-35l *7-13 h

Serving suggestion:
Originating in the deliciously classic EVOO version, it is available also in 2 new more "snacky" variants: "rich tomato" (tomato, herbs and chilli), and sweet caramelised onions. 

Best Sellers Flavours:
Natural (with Extra Virgin Olive Oil) / Rich Tomato/ Caramelized Onion